I've interned for the past few months for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA). I work there as a research assistant for Freddy Eytan, a former Israeli ambassador. Apart from helping on various researches and building a new French website, I've also got the occasion to write 5 articles by myself so far:
- The Salafi threat in France
- A history of Israel - Syria peace negotiations
- A history of Israel - Jordan relations
- A reflexion on the possible ways out of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- Why doesn't the EU recognizes Hezbollah as a terror organization?
The Jerusalemite Crossroads
lundi 30 juillet 2012
Libellés :
Freddy Eytan,
think tank
Pays/territoire :
Jérusalem, Israël
mercredi 27 juin 2012
Egypt: who will be the next Pharaoh?
After dealing with Syria in my last post, let’s
head southward today, for a quick review of the situation on the Egyptian
Israel took the Sinai Peninsula during the Six
Day War, relinquishing it to Egypt against a peace treaty in 1979. On the
ground, the Sinai (about 60 000 square kilometers), is a vast
poorly-populated desertic area. This has enabled all kinds of traffics to
develop over the years, from drugs to women and Sub-Saharan immigrants through
weapons destined to the Hamas-controlled Gaza strip, traffics usually conducted
by several powerful local Bedouin tribes.
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Bombing of the Israeli-Egyptian pipeline in Sinai |
Since the fall of the Mubarak regime at the
beginning of 2011, the security situation on the ground has worsened. The
pipeline transporting gas toward Israel has been blown up 14 times since then
(it is now closed for reason we’ll shortly explain). Even worse, the absence of
control has permitted terrorists from the Gaza strip to launch attacks on
Israel from the Egyptian territory (most notably the August 18th
attacks on route 12, who cost 8 Israeli lives), making Israeli retaliations
close to impossible (during the same attacks, a couple of Egyptian border
guards were caught in crossfire between Israeli soldiers and the commando and
subsequently killed, prompting major protests from Cairo).
Facing these new challenges, Israel has taken
two main measures:
- -Allowing the Egyptian army to increase its
presence in the peninsula, so far strongly restricted under the terms of the 79
peace treaty. It seems to be so far inefficient.
- - Accelerating the building of a security fence
along the border. By the way, the last cycle of violence in Gaza was launched
by a deadly attack on the construction workers by a Palestinian jihadist group
which infiltrated in Egypt before striking.
(A parallel challenge that should be kept in
mind is the immigrant traffic from South-Sudan and Eritrea, many of them being
kidnapped, tortured or enslaved by Bedouin tribes on their way toward Israel.
For an excellent account of this traffic, see the article by Gideon Levy in
Haaretz. And for a talk on the current immigration issue, there are articles
in most Israeli news website virtually every day)
If all this was not enough, a national threat
is emerging next to this rather localized one. As expected by most here, the
“Arab spring” has been a pull factor for Islamic parties to take power. The
Muslim Brotherhood (MB) has won 47% of the seats in the Parliament in November
2011, failing to get the absolute majority because of even more radical
Muslims, the Salafis. An estimated total of 2/3 to 70% of the members of
Parliament is from Islamic parties, with all what it means in terms of Human
rights. Obviously, the recent dissolution of this Assembly by the SCAF (supreme
council of the Armed forces) is supposed to change the story. It won’t: the
army would also have liked to avoid having to deal with a MB president but
Morsi was nonetheless elected. The paradox of weak tyrannies is that they
somehow have to keep in touch with the people’s will to stay in power. And the
people will has been quite clear these past few months: Sharia power. So, if
the SCAF is bright enough, it will manage to compromise with the MB in order to
keep influence on the economy, defense… if not, they’ll have to directly fight
it at some point. In that very hypothetical case, either the MB succeed now
through popular revolution to overthrow the SCAF or they are repressed for a
few more years but will definitely be the symbol of the opposition to the new
regime… until they themselves pick the low-hanging fruit when the time has
![]() |
Riot in front of the Israeli embassy last September. |
And what is the Muslim Brotherhood position
toward Israel? Quite unclear, as usual when it comes to important points in the
local political culture. Each time a party official has said that the peace
treaty with Israel should and will be “revised”, another one says it won’t
(lastly, the newly elected president is said to have held that kind of
expression to an government Iranian press agency, though he denies). But first,
this video is extremely interesting for what is says on the movement (it’s at
the launching of the Presidential campaign. Morsi is not the one who is
speaking but he is present and isn’t the least trouble). Then, we have an
example of MB government: the Hamas is Gaza is an offshoot of this
international Islamic movement. Not to mention its hostility toward Israel, the
Hamas has lead a violent, repressive policy toward political opponents,
journalists and religious minorities (aka Christians, who make up 8% of the
Egyptian population and already suffer from violence from radical Islamic
groups) in the Strip since it took power in 2005. Actually, the links between
the two groups have been strengthened over the last months, with official
visits on both sides. It has even been said, though not officially confirmed,
that the MB ordered the Hamas to go on the offensive last week to help winning
the election and sending a clear message to Israel. The Hamas indeed usually
doesn’t actively participate in the missile launching against the Jewish state,
letting more or less passively smaller and hence less responsible groups doing
the job, maintain a friend-enemy scheme with the most powerful of theme which
could threaten its rule (such as the Islamic Jihad). This time, Hamas did launch
missiles on Israel proper.
![]() |
Reaping the Israeli flag after the sack of the embassy. |
More troubling, the Egyptian people, though
they obviously have other things to think about right now, seem to be very
hostile toward the 79 peace treaty, if not toward the existence of Israel.
Sadate and Mubarak (almost owing him an Israeli escape when he resigned:
defense minister Ehud Barak and member of Knesset Itzhak Herzog were known for
publicly supporting the idea) knew what and where their interest was, but since
March 2011, more and more Israeli flags have been burnt during demonstrations
and the local Israeli embassy has literally been ransacked during a riot in
October (since then the diplomats haven’t found anyone willing to let them a
new building and so have considerably reduced their activity). Finally, last
April, Egypt totally scrapped Israel gas supply by cancelling the contract
between the two states. And I’m not even talking about the so-called "Mossad
sharks" attacks (!!)...
Moral of the story: you can always make peace
with political leaders, but when the people has been so much indoctrinated into
hating you (even way after the peace treaty was signed: here is a popular song
in the early 00’s), you’ll have a tough time making peace with it, all the
more if the original regime is suddenly washed away.
mardi 19 juin 2012
Intervention in Syria?
Our Northern neighbor, Syria, is being
devastated by a bloody civil war for over a year now. UN estimates some
14 000 people already lost their lives. As pretty much everyone living in
Israel, I’m happy that the Golan was not given back to Damascus in exchange of
a peace treaty, for two reasons:
- This kind of peace more with a regime than with
a country is quite fragile as we currently see with Egypt: since the fall of
the Mubarak regime, calls to break the peace treaty with Israel have been more
and more heard both in street demonstrations and among the Muslim Brotherhood
- The Golan offers us a strategic advantage,
protecting Northern Israel as well as enabling us to monitor what is going on
in the Syrian territory.
Whatever, observing the recent developments and
reading a bunch of not-always-deep/interesting analysis on the question, I’ve
been thinking more and more about the question of a Western/international
military intervention in Syria to topple the Assad regime and bring back peace.
Obviously, the pros and cons are the usual
- - The Humanitarians claim that “we” have a moral
responsibility to put an end to the horrific massacres that are going on and
that it is the occasion to bring democracy, which is supposed to be, on the
long run at least, a vector of peace, stability and development.
- On the other hand, the so-called Realists are
aware of the failures of similar missions in the Middle East over the last
decade or so: first and foremost Afghanistan and Iraq, but also Libya, as is
seems that being Kaddafi-free isn’t enough to bring the country back to the
right track. With the economic crisis not over, the West is even less capable
of achieving its goals, without even taking into account the lack of popularity
of those missions in post-modern societies. Furthermore, the local, Middle
Eastern culture isn’t one of democracy and the alternative to current secular,
post-panarab dictatorships seems to be a more or less radical Islamic theocracy
(as seen for example in the Parliamentary elections in Egypt), which is not
exactly the initial goal…

Winston Churchill is known for having said once on appeasement with Nazi
Germany: “you were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose
dishonor and you will have war.” Many among the humanitarians misuse this
sentence (as it is unfortunately very often the case with quotations) to
“argue” in favor of a “[moral] duty of intervention”, whatever the
circumstances. This is probably not what the arch-twisted Conservative Prime
Minister meant. I rather see him arguing first and foremost in favor of raising
war against Germany in the name of the inevitability of such a war (hence the
end of his sentence: there no price susceptible to be paid to avoid it), which
then should rather be started when we’re ready for it instead of waiting for
the enemy to attack first (remember the famous sentence from the battle of Fontenoy by the comte d’Anterroche [“messieurs les anglais, tirez les
premiers”] wasn’t actually said in this form. There are rules in war (jus in bello), but no sports fair-play). Churchill hence probably wouldn’t have
called for war against dictators under any circumstances, being highly aware of
the complexity of geopolitical situations on the ground (a fortiori
here: a civil war is too recurrent and too morally complex a phenomenon to
intervene automatically. We’re not dealing with Hitler vs. Czechoslovakia here).
But in a case such as Libya or Syria, in the middle of an “Arab spring” that is
nothing of a joyous affair except for what some foolhardies in the West with no
conscience of realities believe, well, then, maybe, we should take old Winston
into account before saying massacres in Syria are none of our business. The
true question is: is not intervening now a guarantee that we won’t have to
intervene in the more or less near future? But then and again, mild lukewarm
interventions are pretty much useless. It shouldn’t necessarily be a ground operation
(even though the Syrian army, contrary to what some “pundits” have been saying,
is, according to the Israeli army who beat the hell out of it several times,
totally outdated) but it should definitely be full-fledged. Oh, and last but
not least, choosing allies and decidedly taking sides is better for influence
that just clapping hands when the game is over.
So, to sum-up:
1): Internal uprisings, even such massive ones, are too recurrent and too
morally complex a phenomenon to justify an automatic intervention.
- 2): But:
- if, among the
protagonists, there is an identifiable group susceptible to be supported (aka
sharing basic values/interests) and on which we can have influence on in the case it
eventually wins, then an intervention can make sense.
- even if we are not sure of our future influence on
the winner, an early intervention can break some easily foreseeable dynamics
that are negative for the West, such as the ascent of radical Islamic groups in
the course of the civil war.
- 3): Finally, I would like to remind the reader that the “Syrian events” weren’t
initially an open confrontation between various ethnic/religious groups. They consisted
in demonstrations demanding, if not democracy at least some more basic freedom.
It is the harshness of the security forces in mostly Sunni cities that created
the much more dangerous and volatile current situation. Had the UN taken
sanctions after the first massacres the evolution might have been different.
But, obviously, that would suppose this organization would be what it was
initially supposed to be, a coalition of free states, and not one which has for
only goal to maintain for the longest possible the post WW2 equilibrium (giving
too much power to France, UK and, more relevant for our case, Russia) paralleled
by a sort of fair of the absurd in the (hopefully powerless) General Assembly.
Libellés :
Syrian uprising,
Pays/territoire :
Jérusalem, Israël
mardi 29 mai 2012
JPost - last but not least!
Even though I stopped interning for the Jerusalem Post a few months ago already, some of my latest articles hadn't been put on this blog yet. So here we are:
Book review of the autobiography of Vladimir Zeev Jabotinsky
Meeting with Ben Brafman, famous for having defended DSK last year
Presentation of The Israel Project, a local NGO
Visit of a new and much needed infant care center in the Arab neighborhood of Silwan in Jerusalem
Emmanuel Navon, professor of international relations in Tel-Aviv university and new member of the Likud central committee on the primaries in the party in January.
Meeting with Laurent Fabius, who since became the new Foreign Affairs minister of France
What is it to be both a religious Jew and gay? (part 1 and 2)
Book review of a translated and annotated version of a book of the rav Kook by Beno Gross (professor of philophy in Bar-Ilan university)
Book review of the autobiography of Vladimir Zeev Jabotinsky
Meeting with Ben Brafman, famous for having defended DSK last year
Presentation of The Israel Project, a local NGO
Visit of a new and much needed infant care center in the Arab neighborhood of Silwan in Jerusalem
Emmanuel Navon, professor of international relations in Tel-Aviv university and new member of the Likud central committee on the primaries in the party in January.
Meeting with Laurent Fabius, who since became the new Foreign Affairs minister of France
What is it to be both a religious Jew and gay? (part 1 and 2)
Book review of a translated and annotated version of a book of the rav Kook by Beno Gross (professor of philophy in Bar-Ilan university)
jeudi 24 mai 2012
Le Monde and journalism 101
Here’s how
Israel gets delegitimized and the religious-zionist community demonized, which
leads to outbreaks of violence by “avengers” such as we saw in Toulouse,
France, two months ago:
First, a mainstream
media account of an incident in Ytzhar, Samaria (West Bank) last week-end by
the biggest French newspaper Le Monde:
English-only readers you can obviously find similar libels on most of the Web.
If you don’t know where to start, don’t look too far, we can be confident
Haaretz, the left-wing Israeli newspaper will have its word on it)
Now, what
really happened there?
religious Jews, even under the hypothesis they would be that violent, wouldn’t
stage such an attack on Shabbat, the traditional Jewish day of rest, as most of
the activites implied in a “raid” are strictly forbidden under the Halacha [Jewish
law] that day.
So why did
this group of mostly young people leave their village
(“settlement”) that holy day toward the neighboring Arab village of Assira Al-Qibliya ? Well,
actually the fire mentioned by Gilles Paris (le Monde’s correspondent in
Israel, always late/wrong) was set by a group of violent Palestinians, as they
did the two previous weeks in order to destroy the Jewish fields/houses. (By
the way, whoever is responsible for the beginning of the violence, there’s no
need to blame a whole community as Paris does: “the inhabitants of the colony
of Itzhak are well-known for their radicalism and their violences”)
When the Israeli volunteer fire-fighters team got to the place (again
under Halachah, you can break Shabbat’s rules when lives are put in danger,
such as in the case of an arson) they got stoned by the same violent group and
the security guards of the village had to intervene to protect them. So first,
we’re dealing here with a case of legitimate self-defense and second they didn’t even shoot with real
guns but with rubber bullets (in case you didn’t figure out by yourselves that if
the guy received a head-shot with a real bullet he would have died…).
Then, why the two soldiers seen in the (very partial) footage didn’t
intervene? Well, davka because they were two, in the middle of two
groups composed of dozens of villagers on both sides, and probably waiting for
instruction by their hierarchy on how to react.
Then let’s deal with the video itself. It was published by the famous
NGO “B’Tselem” but was shot by local Palestinian villagers. I’ve been myself able
to find two different footages, taken from different angles, by people
installed on high position in order to have a good view and who started
shooting before any violence erupted (if you except the Palestinian arson which
triggered the whole thing…). They were here to be able to register the mere
fruit of their provocation in order to put the blame on Israel the day after.
And, sadly, it systematically works. Indeed, contrary to the title “ordinary
violence”, incidents in which Israeli settlers are involved aren’t that
numerous as the ones who really happen (if you count this as being a real
incident) are always filmed by the other side. Why isn’t there any footage by
the Israeli side? Again, this is the whole interest of the Palestinian
extremists to stage those incidents on Saturdays: religious Jews won’t film
what happen on that day so the Arab propaganda can get a highway to the media…
mercredi 25 avril 2012
Yamim noraïm - 20th century version
Jews consider the 10 days from the new year (rosh hashanah, that comemorates the creation of the world in general and of the human being in particular) and yom kippur (the day of atonement) as yamim noraïm ("terrible days"). And indeed, those days are seen as the moment par excellence for taking a step back from daily routine and reconsider our place and role in this world.
But in modern Israel, a second period can be considered as yamim noraïm: the one that covers the week from yom hashoah (when we remember the victims of the "Holocaust") to yom ha'atzmaut (independence day) through yom hazikaron (remembrance day devoted to fallen soldiers and victims of terror).
The connection hence made between the Shoah and the birth of a Jewish state shouldn't be taken as a direct causality: Zionism was born and had given its first fruits way before the Holocaust and, hopefully, Israel isn't just about giving Jews a shelter, it's about realizing a national destiny. Obviously, what happened in Europe accelerated the path, but the anti-zionist narrative accusing Europe of "giving" to the Jews for atonement of their crimes a land ppopulated by an innocent Arab population doesn't hold: Europe has just not given anything, they barely recognized a de facto situation the 29th of November 47 when they voted for the division of Palestine. Actually, this UN resolution didn't even create a Jewsih (or Arab) state: only six months later, when David Ben-Gurion declared independance did this State appear. November 28th there already was a Jewish shadow government, which had no more and no less responsabilities December 1st.
Anyway, this historical point being made, lets come back to our annual celebrations. I make this yamim noraïm comparaison because of the very obvious process of going from death to life. More precisely from "useless" death to "heroic" death defending the third stage: the resurection of a fulblown Jewish people on his land. It's indeed a central tenet of Zionsim to say that, even though 2000 years of Diaspora don't mean no Jewish people, only autonomy, security and gathering make it completely existant. Allthemore interesting when you see that the secular Zionists from Herzl to Ben Gurion hence adopted a very similar apporach to the one when can understand from both the Torah and Talmud (itself written in Babylon!), and generations of rabbis and Jewish scholars.
So during this week Israelis are inclined to reconsider their relation to their country and their people (very technically, they actually observe three times a moment of silence: one the morning of yom hashoah and two during yom hazikaron). This is perceptible through several ways:
- connection to Jews living abroad. This is more or less true all year long, but especially the days around the comemoration of the destruction of most of European jewry.
- visiting military memorials and cemetaries: not only most Israeli families have members serving their country during their military service, but unfortuunately many know more or less closely fallen soldiers (or victims of terrorist attacks). I actually just comme back home from a visit at Mount Herzl (the national cemetary), which was completely full of people of all backgrounds, including many youngs, accompanying bereaved families to the graves of their relatives.
I can't say it as an eyewitness for now, but it's known that the passage from bereavement to joy is particulary impressive on the night from yom hazikaron to yom ha'atzmaut. Pictures to come!
But in modern Israel, a second period can be considered as yamim noraïm: the one that covers the week from yom hashoah (when we remember the victims of the "Holocaust") to yom ha'atzmaut (independence day) through yom hazikaron (remembrance day devoted to fallen soldiers and victims of terror).
The connection hence made between the Shoah and the birth of a Jewish state shouldn't be taken as a direct causality: Zionism was born and had given its first fruits way before the Holocaust and, hopefully, Israel isn't just about giving Jews a shelter, it's about realizing a national destiny. Obviously, what happened in Europe accelerated the path, but the anti-zionist narrative accusing Europe of "giving" to the Jews for atonement of their crimes a land ppopulated by an innocent Arab population doesn't hold: Europe has just not given anything, they barely recognized a de facto situation the 29th of November 47 when they voted for the division of Palestine. Actually, this UN resolution didn't even create a Jewsih (or Arab) state: only six months later, when David Ben-Gurion declared independance did this State appear. November 28th there already was a Jewish shadow government, which had no more and no less responsabilities December 1st.
Anyway, this historical point being made, lets come back to our annual celebrations. I make this yamim noraïm comparaison because of the very obvious process of going from death to life. More precisely from "useless" death to "heroic" death defending the third stage: the resurection of a fulblown Jewish people on his land. It's indeed a central tenet of Zionsim to say that, even though 2000 years of Diaspora don't mean no Jewish people, only autonomy, security and gathering make it completely existant. Allthemore interesting when you see that the secular Zionists from Herzl to Ben Gurion hence adopted a very similar apporach to the one when can understand from both the Torah and Talmud (itself written in Babylon!), and generations of rabbis and Jewish scholars.
So during this week Israelis are inclined to reconsider their relation to their country and their people (very technically, they actually observe three times a moment of silence: one the morning of yom hashoah and two during yom hazikaron). This is perceptible through several ways:
- visiting military memorials and cemetaries: not only most Israeli families have members serving their country during their military service, but unfortuunately many know more or less closely fallen soldiers (or victims of terrorist attacks). I actually just comme back home from a visit at Mount Herzl (the national cemetary), which was completely full of people of all backgrounds, including many youngs, accompanying bereaved families to the graves of their relatives.
I can't say it as an eyewitness for now, but it's known that the passage from bereavement to joy is particulary impressive on the night from yom hazikaron to yom ha'atzmaut. Pictures to come!
vendredi 30 décembre 2011
JPost articles: new batch!
Here are some of the articles from November/december:
Investigation on Israeli NGOs (part1)
Recap of the controversial laws discussed by the Israeli governement over the last weeks
Israeli-German relations (part1)
Discovering Christian monasteries during this Christmas season
Investigation on Israeli NGOs (part1)
Recap of the controversial laws discussed by the Israeli governement over the last weeks
Israeli-German relations (part1)
Discovering Christian monasteries during this Christmas season
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